The INSTART group is an innovative group of companies from the automotive sector. Under the claim "Develop future technology - experience future technology", five highly specialised companies operate synergistically on the market. The focus is on the leading technologies of electromobility (e.telligent), autonomous driving (digitalwerk) and big data (ip camp). They are joined by CUBE brand communications GmbH - agency for brand communication and specialist in the areas of brand building and brand experience - and INSTART consult as an expert and provider in the area of digital shared services. In our new series of articles "Working life in the innovative group of companies of the INSTART group" we regularly introduce employees from the INSTART group and give an insight into their everyday working life.
We start with Christina from INSTART consult.
Hello Christina, can you start by telling us a few sentences about yourself?
My name is Christina Stanojkovski and I am 35 years old. I work at INSTART consult as a personnel officer and take care of all themes concerning personnel administration in the entire group of companies. I come from near Ingolstadt and have been with INSTART group since 2021.
How did you come to the INSTART group?
I applied quite classically via an online job advertisement at the end of 2020. During the interviews, it quickly became clear that it was a good fit for both sides and shortly afterwards I had my first official working day at HQ (More about the application process can be found here.)
How would you describe your daily work in keywords?
Varied, challenging. It is the absolute opposite of a normal civil servant job. Definitely not a standard 9-to-5 job.
At INSTART group, the foosball tables are regularly a hot spot - where do you prefer to play?
In the back!!!
And who is your fearful opponent?
Without a doubt Dominik from e.telligent. I don't even see his balls when he shoots (laughing).
A central meeting point in the HQ is our cosy and well-equipped bar. Team espresso or team cappuccino?
Team black coffee! The day can't start without two cups.
And last but not least - describe the working atmosphere at INSTART group in three words!
Familiar and fun at the same time. When I drive into the office, I already look forward to meeting my colleagues. It doesn't feel like I'm going to work, but rather to my friends (grinning).
For more information and news about the individual INSTART group companies, please visit the individual homepages and social media channels.
ip camp
CUBE brand communications