The pandemic-related break was long, but now it was finally time again: the employees of the different companies of the INSTART group met for a joint team event. And it was exciting in the Ingolstadt FunArena, because the participants delivered hot races on the go-kart track. "We are a group of companies with a large number of locations. In Corona times, the social exchange among each other suffered even more. But we are all the more pleased when the individual companies come together at various events," comments Dr. Michael Schilhaneck, Managing Director of CUBE brand communications. His team regularly organizes the events of the group of companies, which are always among the highlights in the annual calendar of the employees.
Employees from all five companies in the group (CUBE bc, digitalwerk, e.telligent, INSTART consult and ip camp) were once again represented at the karting event and were able to put their racing skills to the test - in some cases, only seconds decided the ranking. By the way, the eye-catcher of the day was an executive who appeared in complete racing gear.