Working life in the innovative INSTART group of companies
Part 3 Michael Mittag
The INSTART group is an innovative group of companies from the automotive sector. Five highly specialised companies operate synergistically on the market under the claim "Develop future technology - experience future technology". The focus is on the leading technologies of electromobility (e.telligent), autonomous driving (digitalwerk) and big data (ip camp). They are joined by CUBE brand communications GmbH - agency for brand communication and specialist in the areas of brand building and brand experience - and INSTART consult as an expert and provider in the area of digital shared services. In our new series of articles "Working life in the innovative group of companies of the INSTART group" we regularly introduce employees from the INSTART group and give an insight into their everyday working life.
Now it's the turn of Michael Mittag, Managing Director of INSTART consult.
Hello Michael, would you like to tell us a few sentences about yourself?
I have been with the INSTART group since 2018 and was the fourth newcomer to INSTART consult GmbH at that time. I currently live with my family in Eichstätt, but originally come from the Baltic Sea.
How did you come to the INSTART group?
I had already been working in management at BFFT for six years and then seamlessly switched to the INSTART group and thus to INSTART consult together with our then partners Frank and Markus Fichtner.
Can you sum up your day-to-day work in three words?
Definitely challenging, complex and very varied.
The foosball tables at INSTART group are regularly a hot spot - where do you like to play the most?
When I play, it's about damage limitation (laughs). I usually do less damage at the back. My strengths lie more in setting up the right players.
Your fear opponents?
Oh dear, the list is too long to mention. (grins)
Besides the foosball table, we often meet at the coffee bar - how do you prefer to drink your coffee?
A lot and black!
One final question - briefly describe the atmosphere at INSTART group!
It's a family atmosphere. You feel comfortable when you come into the office and are right in the middle of things. Work-life balance plays an important role for us and yet work is not neglected. In addition, you work in a dynamic and exciting atmosphere where a lot is going on and we are building something new together. That connects. What is also attractive for all colleagues is the freedom to shape one's own area of responsibility.
Thank you, Michael!
For more information and news about the individual INSTART group companies, please visit the individual homepages and social media channels.
ip camp
CUBE brand communications