Short questions - short answers Part 5
The INSTART group is an innovative group of companies from the automotive sector. Five highly specialised companies operate synergistically on the market under the claim "Develop future technology - experience future technology". The focus is on the leading technologies of electromobility (e.telligent), autonomous driving (digitalwerk) and big data (ip camp). They are joined by CUBE brand communications GmbH - agency for brand communication and specialist in the areas of brand building and brand experience - and INSTART consult as an expert and provider in the area of digital shared services. In our new series of articles "Working life in the innovative group of companies of the INSTART group" we regularly introduce employees from the INSTART group and give an insight into their everyday working life.
Today we present Tristan from ip camp.
Hello Tristan, can you briefly tell us a few sentences about yourself?
Hey, I'm Tristan and I'm 25 years old. In my free time, I like to play badminton and I love to bake in the kitchen - my colleagues are always happy about my creations. If there is still time, I like to sing or sit in front of the screen. At ip camp I am employed as a test engineer and also deal with ticket management, error management and error analysis.
How did you come to the INSTART group?
My brother Stefan already worked at INSTART group, at the company e.telligent. I simply gave him my CV and that's how I got in touch with ip camp.
Describe your daily work in one sentence!
Everyday life is definitely varied, collegial and direct. You always communicate here on a "you" level, which I really appreciate. In addition, the practical relevance is very important, as my job allows me to sit and work directly on the vehicle, for example.
Here in Gaimersheim, the foosball table is a regular meeting place after the lunch break - where do you always play?
I'm rarely at the table, but when I am, I play wherever there's room.
But do you have a fearful opponent?
Actually everyone - except Christina (laughs).
Coffee and table football are irreplaceable in the everyday life of the INSTART group - how do you drink your coffee?
Everyone looks at me in horror, but I don't drink coffee - I'm more of a tea person.
Last but not least: how would you describe the atmosphere at INSTART group?
There is a pleasant, direct environment. This makes it fun to do something with colleagues after work. In addition, you can talk to the shareholders and the managing directors on one and the same level and you are at eye level.
For more information and news about the individual INSTART group companies, please visit the individual homepages and social media channels.