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INSTART group, People, Social & Career

Running double pack: INSTART group at of company runs

July is the month of company runs - at least for the INSTART group. The INSTART group employees participated in both the Ingolstadt company run and the REWAG company run in Regensburg with runners from all companies of the group - and specially created running shirts. Some of them even took part in both races.

Unfortunately, the weather gods were not generous in Ingolstadt - the nearly 3,500 runners had to fight their way through the rain to the finish line. The 5.5 kilometer course led along the Danube and through the old town with start and finish in the Klenzepark. Afterwards there was the possibility to finish the evening together with cool drinks, food and live music.

One week later, the REWAG company run in Regensburg was on the agenda. The goal was to run 7 kilometers through the eastern part of the city - followed by an after-run party. In both runs the results of the INSTART group employees were quite respectable, although of course team spirit and fun had priority.